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Living Ideas for a Full Education

Welcome to our website about enjoying the riches of a Charlotte Mason education!  This is a group for southwest Twin Cities moms to gather to enjoy the loveliness and the depth of the Charlotte Mason style of education.  Join us for family nature walks, orchestra concerts, Shakespeare readings, and monthly mother’s enrichment nights.  Enjoy the beauty of the Charlotte Mason education with a community of other families.

The business of teachers is to open as many doors as possible.

We Are Here to Support You

Calendar of Events

We have a range of fun and educational events for families, featuring Charlotte Mason-inspired field trips, nature walks, classes, and more.

Mom Enrichment Nights

Every month, we invite moms to join us for a night of connection, discussing Charlotte Mason topics, and praying for each other.


Our resource library continually grows as we find more books to love, more poetry and music to enjoy, and more Charlotte Mason inspirations to ponder.

Join our community!

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